Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Of all the Nogs in the World I believe Egg is My Fav!

Happy Christmas In July!


I am Dayn'll! said...

Yeah...It's flavored! Oh Greg, you never fail to tickle my nickle pickle! Wait...what? Anyway, You're coming to Coldplay in November, right? Because let me tell ya man, I sure is!

I am Chree-uz. said...

I enjoy the Nog of Egg as well. Is there egg and grogg in your nogg?

BHodges said...


Bean said...

If you add an 'E' to the front of nog, it spells ENOG which when read backwards spells GONE, and GONE is what Egg Nog should be! It is nasty! I forgive you.

BHodges said...

you need to check my blog it has a post for you

Bean said...

Fact! There is pumpkin nog and it is the superior nog! Screw egg nog!

Idontcare said...

Egg in grog in your noggin eh? Yuck, I hate nog. It's terrible. blech. hehe